Ep. 2 - From Challenges to Champions | Coach Matthew Driscoll

Sep 07, 2022
What’s Your 1 More Podcast
Ep. 2 - From Challenges to Champions | Coach Matthew Driscoll

How to Run Your Business Like a Coach

 When I think of the word "coach," I think of someone who is dedicated to their work and always strives to be the best. Coach Matthew Driscoll is a perfect example of this. He has won multiple championships throughout his 14 years of coaching at the high school and college levels. 

 What makes Coach Driscoll so successful is his strength in vision and his incredible handle on team development. He recently dropped some of his wisdom with us on What is Your 1 More Podcast

 When it comes to your business, do you treat it like a sport? Not only does it make it more fun, but there are critical aspects of coaching that are vital to building a good business. 

 Have a Vision That is Too Big for You

If you have a vision that is 100% attainable and sets your mind at ease, it’s not nearly big enough! A vision is essential for any athlete or business owner who wants to achieve greatness. 

 Having a clear vision lets you see the big picture and set goals. It helps you stay focused and motivated. Without one, it’s too easy to lose sight of your purpose. It gives you something to strive for and keeps you on track. 

 Have you ever watched a game and a player did something so superhuman you wondered how it was possible? In reality, they don’t have any superpowers, but they do have a superhuman will. That will comes from a vision of winning, and that vision comes from a strong leader that dared to cast it.

 You can’t stop there. No one ever gets to the top alone. It takes one more caveat that you need to master:

Build a Winning Team

In sports, teamwork is often the difference between winning and losing. Players who work together as a team can make plays that individual players would not be able to make on their own. In business, teamwork is just as essential. 

 When employees work together as a team, they are more successful. When your team succeeds, you succeed! It takes something that others may not have: strong leadership. 

 A leader knows how to cast vision, set goals, identify the hurdles, then coach their team/employees to pool their individual skills and knowledge to achieve it. 

 Do you trust your team? Teams that work well together can make use of each player’s strengths and weaknesses to create a well-rounded unit, and they’re also able to better motivate and support one another. If you want to achieve greatness, remember that empowering your team is the best way to get there.

 Final Thoughts

In business, teamwork and vision are just as important as in the sports world. Those that encourage collaboration among their employees are more successful than those that don’t, and employees who work together towards a shared vision are more productive. 

 Whatever your field, industry, or investment—make your work a more enjoyable and supportive environment. Whether you’re a sports fan or a business professional, thinking like a coach is essential for success.

 Are you looking to grow your financial leadership? Learn, expand, and upskill over on What is Your One More as we dive into some of the world's most influential wisdom.