Ep. 157 - Why the Jacksonville Housing Market is NOT in a Bubble

Apr 29, 2024

In recent years, there has been a lot of buzz about a potential housing bubble, particularly in thriving markets like Jacksonville, Florida. However, a closer look at the data reveals a different story.


In this post, we'll look at the key factors that are shaping the Jacksonville housing market in 2024. By examining demand, supply, population trends, and economic indicators, we'll provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of affairs and shed light on why Jacksonville is not in a housing bubble.


Demand and Supply Dynamics:

One of the primary reasons why Jacksonville's housing market remains strong is the consistent demand for homes. Despite rising interest rates, pending sales and sold listings in the city have remained on par with 2018 levels. This indicates that buyers are still actively seeking homes in Jacksonville, even in the face of higher borrowing costs. Furthermore, the presence of cash buyers in the market adds another layer of stability, as these investors typically gravitate towards areas with strong potential returns.


On the supply side, Jacksonville is facing a limited inventory of single-family homes. In fact, the current inventory levels are comparable to those seen in June 2020. This scarcity of available homes has put upward pressure on prices, as buyers compete for the limited supply. While some may interpret rising prices as a sign of a bubble, it's important to note that the current market conditions are fundamentally different from those that led to the 2008 housing crisis.


Population Growth and Affordability:

Another key factor contributing to Jacksonville's housing market stability is the city's impressive population growth. Projections indicate that Jacksonville's population could surpass 2 million by 2035, representing a staggering 300,000+ person increase in just 11 years. This growth is largely driven by the influx of millennials, who are entering their prime homebuying years. As the 90s babies continue to age and start families, the demand for housing in Jacksonville is expected to remain robust.


Jacksonville's affordability compared to other major Florida cities like Tampa and Orlando makes it an attractive destination for homebuyers. While home prices in Jacksonville have risen in recent years, the city still offers more bang for your buck than its neighbors. This relative affordability, combined with the growing job market and increasing wages, positions Jacksonville as a desirable location for both families and investors.


Economic Factors and Housing Solutions:

Jacksonville's economy is thriving, with the city ranking as the third-best in the United States for job seekers. The growth in high-paying sectors like professional and business services, healthcare, and education has contributed to a 25% increase in median income from 2020 to 2023. This economic vitality has provided a solid foundation for the housing market, as residents have the financial means to purchase homes.


To address the limited supply of single-family homes, developers in Jacksonville are exploring innovative housing solutions. One such approach is the rise of built-to-rent (BTR) communities. These developments offer a blend of multi-family and single-family living, providing renters with the amenities and convenience of apartment living while also offering the privacy and space of a single-family home. As more BTR communities come online, they could help alleviate some of the pressure on the housing market by offering an alternative to traditional homeownership.


Bottom Line:

In conclusion, the Jacksonville housing market in 2024 is not in a bubble, despite the concerns raised by some observers. The strong demand, limited supply, population growth, affordability, and economic factors all contribute to a stable and thriving market. While prices may continue to rise in the short term due to the imbalance between supply and demand, the underlying fundamentals of the Jacksonville market remain solid.


As we move forward, it's essential for buyers, sellers, and investors to stay informed about the latest trends and data. By understanding the unique dynamics at play in Jacksonville, individuals can make well-informed decisions about their real estate strategies. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer, a growing family looking to upgrade, or an investor seeking opportunities, Jacksonville's housing market offers a range of possibilities in 2024 and beyond.