Ep. 60 - The US Debt Ceiling Crisis—What You Need to Know

May 24, 2023
What’s Your 1 More Podcast
Ep. 60 - The US Debt Ceiling Crisis—What You Need to Know

The debt ceiling has once again taken center stage in the news headlines. While some may view it as a recurring event that happens every year, the current situation is more significant than previous instances.

This is a chance to learn what the debt ceiling is and its underlying issues. Let’s explore the concept of the debt ceiling, its history, and the potential consequences of surpassing it.

As always, I aim to provide a non-partisan analysis of the situation, shedding light on the critical issues at hand without taking sides.


The Debt Ceiling Explained

The United States operates with a credit limit known as the debt ceiling. When the government nears this limit, it must stop borrowing and find alternative means to pay its bills.

The Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, has warned that the government will run out of funds to meet its financial obligations by June 1st unless the debt ceiling is raised!

The current debts in question include crucial payments such as VA benefits, social security benefits, Medicare, tax refunds, federal employee salaries, and more.


How Politics and Constitutionality Come into Play

So now that we know what it is, why can’t the US government seem to get a handle on this issue? First, we need to understand the power to set tax and spending policies lies with Congress, as granted by the Constitution.

The United States operates on a budget that should ideally be based on the revenue generated by the country, primarily through taxes. However, the 14th Amendment of the Constitution states that the government debt's full faith and credit cannot be questioned.

This has sparked discussions about whether the President could bypass Congress and unilaterally raise the debt ceiling under this amendment. Nevertheless, such a move would likely face significant legal challenges and exacerbate the situation.

That’s precisely why—


We Need Compromise!

The current impasse regarding the debt ceiling highlights the lack of cooperation and compromise between the two major political parties. While the President may have the authority to bypass the debt ceiling issue, there are better solutions than this due to its potential impact on the bond market and interest rates.

The Republicans, who control the House, emphasized the need for spending cuts, proposing a budget that could save $3.2 trillion over ten years. On the other hand, the Democrats are concerned about potential cuts to domestic programs they have implemented.

“Compromise has historically been the key to successful politics.” It allows for finding middle ground, reaching agreements, and ensuring the smooth functioning of governance. However, the current political climate lacks the willingness to compromise, which has led to a stalemate.

Unless both parties can overcome their differences and find common ground, the situation may escalate, and the failure to compromise may ultimately be to blame.


Bottom Line—Focus on the Present

The debt ceiling is a critical aspect of the United States financial system, and surpassing it could have severe consequences. The government must raise the debt ceiling promptly to avoid defaulting on payments.

The current lack of compromise between political parties poses a significant challenge, and a resolution must be reached before the situation escalates. Understanding the complexities of the debt ceiling issue allows us to have informed discussions and seek solutions that benefit the nation as a whole.

Instead of focusing on long-term projections, we should concentrate on the upcoming fiscal budget for 2024. Let’s tackle what’s right in front of us rather than trying to predict the next 9 years!