Ep. 62 - 3 Skills You Need to Be an Exceptional Leader

May 31, 2023
What’s Your 1 More Podcast
Ep. 62 - 3 Skills You Need to Be an Exceptional Leader

 Leadership, an often-discussed yet sometimes misunderstood term, isn't a title or position but a set of specific skills and attitudes. In our episode with Leader Farm, they broke down 3 essential skills all leaders need to adopt! 


The elements they discuss shape successful leaders and define the teams they manage. Here, we unlock the secret sauce that is creating exceptional servant leaders and defeating the culture of quitters in this generation.


Making Decisions: The Backbone of Leadership


Number 1—being a leader means being a decision-maker. Leaders face a multitude of decisions each day—some simple, some complex. 


The real test isn’t about making the easy choices (or even always the right ones) but how you handle the tough ones. A successful leader knows that indecisiveness can be just as harmful as making the wrong choice.


Effective decision-making isn’t just about personal intuition or experiences; it involves a comprehensive understanding of all available information, a calculated assessment of potential outcomes, and considering the input and perspectives of others. 


A leader’s decisions must be guided by the organization's values, objectives, and long-term vision, creating an equilibrium between immediate necessities and future goals. With that, you’re primed to master the next skill.


Increasing Capacity: For Yourself and Others


A leader's capacity isn’t just about their ability to perform tasks but their ability to learn, grow, and adapt. This continuous personal development is a non-negotiable aspect of effective leadership. After all, a stagnant leader leads to a stagnant team.


Increasing capacity also involves helping others expand their abilities. Leaders are not just managers but mentors, teachers, and facilitators. They provide the tools, resources, and encouragement their team members need to develop their skills and reach their potential. 


Empowering individuals to grow enhances the team's collective strength and the organization's overall performance. The best leaders understand that success isn’t a solo endeavor but a group achievement.


Creating Opportunity: The Path to Progress


True leadership generates opportunities for the organization, the team, and the individual. This might involve exploring new markets, creating innovative product lines, or improving efficiency in existing processes.


For individuals within the team, leaders create opportunities for career advancement, personal development, and meaningful contributions to organizational goals. And they do this without fearing someone overtaking them!

Creating opportunities is more than immediate gains; it's about sustainability and continuous advancement. It is a proactive approach, demonstrating foresight and strategic planning, qualities that mark exceptional leaders.


Bottom Line


A leader, ultimately, must balance the responsibilities of decision-making, capacity building, and opportunity creation. These three pillars are interrelated, each reinforcing the other.


Together, they form the trifecta of exceptional leadership—a model that shapes effective leaders and successful organizations. It's a constant journey, but those willing to navigate it can unlock their true potential.


Remember, leadership is not about maintaining the status quo but inciting progress.