Ep. 88 - Skyrocketing Your Brand’s Success with YouTube

real estate Aug 30, 2023
What’s Your 1 More Podcast
Ep. 88 - Skyrocketing Your Brand’s Success with YouTube

Unlike other platforms where interactions are fleeting, YouTube offered Thomas Rehberg a unique opportunity. He could share detailed narratives, connect with his audience, and establish a personal brand. 


In one of his most popular videos, he shared the story of his grandparents' home. The intricate details, the personal touch, and the emotion resonated with viewers. They weren't just watching a video but connecting with a person, with Thomas.


Thomas’ story wasn’t one of instant stardom. There were days when he barely had any views and questioned if he was on the right path. However, with consistency, determination, and a touch of authenticity, he saw a steady rise in his subscribers. 


Two years into his journey, he had amassed a following of over 1,770 dedicated subscribers, yielding tons of organic leads!


Navigating the world of YouTube can be daunting. But with persistence, authenticity, and a bit of strategy, it becomes a game-changing platform for branding. Let’s dive into how you can leverage YouTube for massive success.


Why YouTube? 

First, why YouTube instead of some other platform? Because while content like Facebook and TikTok are here today, gone tomorrow, YouTube content lives on forever powered by a search engine!


It offers personal branding on a platter. Unlike other platforms, YouTube lets you present detailed narratives, showcasing your brand in-depth. This platform is a goldmine for brands or professionals like real estate agents. 


People searching for specifics—about a location, a service, or a product—are more likely to stumble upon detailed video content. And the beauty of it is when they watch your videos, they already feel a connection with you.


The Significance of Content

If the content's worthy, people will continue to show up. In the vast universe of YouTube, content is king. It doesn't matter if you mispronounce a name or if your message isn't universally loved. 


Sometimes, even those "mistakes" lead to more engagement. And YouTube loves engagement! The platform doesn’t differentiate between positive and negative comments; all it registers is interaction. 


So, while you should always strive for accuracy and value, remember that every comment, like, or share (even negatively) feeds the YouTube algorithm.


Building a Brand: Starting Solo

You are your first asset. Begin with self-reliance and start small. Starting a YouTube channel isn’t about having a massive team or a budget. 


Most success stories begin solo. In the case of our real-life brand hero, they started by editing their videos, understanding their audience, and learning from their mistakes. 


Yes, as you grow, outsourcing tasks like video editing can be beneficial, but the initial phase of the journey is all about understanding the platform and your brand voice.


Expanding Your Team and Efficiency

Once you've established your presence and voice on YouTube, consider expanding your team. Hiring virtual assistants by using platforms like Upwork can significantly reduce your workload. 


For instance, hiring an editor for videos or a virtual assistant for daily tasks can give you more time to focus on content creation.


Consistency and Persistence

Success isn't overnight. Thomas’ YouTube success story emphasizes the need for consistency. With only two years in the game and over 1,770 subscribers, it's clear that consistent, valuable content pays off. 


Most YouTubers face the challenge of low initial viewership. However, if the content has value and you remain persistent, growth is inevitable.


Bottom Line

YouTube is not just another social media platform; it's a powerful tool for personal branding. With the right content, strategy, and persistence, any brand can carve its niche and foster genuine connections with its audience. 


So, whether you're just starting or looking to boost your existing channel, remember to stay authentic, engage with your audience, and let your passion shine through. Success will follow.