Ep. 64 - The Three-Chord Approach to Life: Balancing Self, Business, and Family

Jun 07, 2023
What’s Your 1 More Podcast
Ep. 64 - The Three-Chord Approach to Life: Balancing Self, Business, and Family

In pursuing success, many individuals focus solely on achieving professional goals while neglecting other important aspects of their lives. 


However, true success lies in finding a balance between self, business, and family. The book Three-Chord Approach to Life and Wealth Management by Rocco A. Carriero brilliantly emphasizes the significance of defining and balancing the three. 


Here we’ll dive into defining values, practicing self-care, and nurturing meaningful relationships with family. Individuals can create a well-rounded and fulfilling life by understanding and prioritizing these three chords.


Defining Values


The first step towards achieving balance and success is identifying personal values. While most people believe they know their values, few have taken the time to define and write them down. 


By narrowing down the top five values, individuals gain a clear understanding of their guiding principles and can make decisions aligned with these values. 


Recognizing that values shape decision-making is a powerful realization that paves the way for a purpose-driven life.


The Self-Care Chord


Self-care is often underestimated or overlooked by busy professionals. However, neglecting personal well-being can lead to burnout and hinder overall success. 


Taking care of oneself physically, mentally, and emotionally is crucial. It involves prioritizing regular exercise, maintaining healthy eating habits, getting enough sleep, and keeping up with medical check-ups. 


Investing in self-care ensures individuals have the energy, resilience, and focus necessary to excel in both their personal and professional lives.


The Business Chord


Business success is undoubtedly essential, but it should not overshadow the other chords in life. 


Entrepreneurs and CEOs may find it tempting to sacrifice sleep and personal time to achieve more. However, this approach is not sustainable in the long run. 


While hard work and dedication are commendable, constantly pushing yourself to exhaustion only leads to diminished cognitive function and potential burnout. Determining how much is enough is essential and setting boundaries to maintain a healthy work-life balance is essential.


The Family Chord


Nurturing strong relationships with family is a fundamental aspect of achieving holistic success. It is all too common to witness individuals who excel in their careers but struggle with personal relationships. 


These individuals may appear successful on the surface, but deep down, they are missing a vital component of fulfillment. Family provides support, love, and a sense of purpose beyond professional accomplishments.


Balancing work commitments with quality time spent with loved ones strengthens these bonds and contributes to overall happiness and well-being.


Finding Balance


Balancing the three chords of self, business, and family is a delicate task. Often, individuals prioritize family and business over self-care, but there is no one-size-fits-all approach. 


The order in which these chords are prioritized may vary based on personal circumstances and experiences. Some individuals may prioritize family due to a lack of familial support during their upbringing. In contrast, others may prioritize business to create a stable foundation for their loved ones. 


What matters most is allocating time and energy to all three aspects, recognizing interdependence, and striving for harmony.


Bottom Line


The Three-Chord Approach to Life highlights the importance of defining personal values, practicing self-care, and nurturing family relationships. Achieving balance among these three chords is the key to holistic success and fulfillment. 


Balancing business commitments with quality time spent with loved ones strengthens family bonds and contributes to overall happiness. 


By embracing this approach, individuals can build a happy, purpose-driven life that harmonizes personal growth, professional achievements, and meaningful connections.